WorkWell A new service launched in Barrow

What is the new WorkWell Service?

A light touch, early-intervention service available to anyone aged >18 with a health condition who:

  • needs support to remain in work;
  • needs support managing a health condition in order to return to work from a sickness absence
  • needs support to (re)start work and has been unemployed due to a health condition for circa <= 6 months

NB. WorkWell is not suitable for individuals with complex health needs/conditions or who are long term unemployed (circa >6 months).

The below is the minimum eligibility criteria and referrals will be accepted from anyone who meets the following criteria:

  • Your home address OR the address of your GP falls within the WorkWell Service area (Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB footprint).
  • You are over 18.
  • You have the right to work in the UK.
  • Your WorkWell Service believes you have a health-related barrier to work that can be met by the service.

WorkWell will offer holistic support for their health-related barriers to employment.

Our team of WorkWell Coaches will offer individualised support for approximately 12 weeks which will include:

•         a person-centred, holistic initial assessment to identify barriers to employment

•         the production of strive-to-work/thrive-in-work plan, with clear objectives that address physical, psychological and social needs

•         employer liaison, if the participant consents, to share the work plan and provide work related advice

•         advice for employers on workplace adjustments

•         personalised work and health support to take stock of progress and recommend further actions and activities

•         GP liaison, if the participant consents, to share the work plan and better support the Fit Note process

The WorkWell service will also serve as a triage function, connecting participants into the rest of the local work and health infrastructure through signposting and referral.

In general, where there are needs or requirements of the participant that go beyond what can be offered by the WorkWell Service, we will connect them to whatever other local service they need and follow up to ensure what support they receive elsewhere is fully integrated into their return-to-work or thrive-in-work plan.

When will the WorkWell service run?

The WorkWell service will run from January 2025 to March 2026, with referrals accepted up to 30th December 2025 to allow participants to be fully supported before the pilot closes.

Who is the WorkWell Service aimed at?

The WorkWell service is aimed at:

1)       Unemployed with a low-level health condition

Individuals who are currently registered with Barrow JCP or other Employability service and have a low-level health condition.

2)       In Work – Inactive

Employees within Barrow who don’t have access to an occupational health offer or whose occupational health offer is unsuitable for their needs and are currently off work due to a health condition.

3)       In Work – Active

Employees within Barrow who don’t have access to an occupational health offer or whose occupational health offer is unsuitable for their needs and who have a reported health condition who are in work but are at risk of dropping out of the workforce or taking a leave of sickness absence.

How can I refer into the WorkWell service?

Cumbria Health are delivering this service on behalf of Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB.

For more information please email:  

More information can also be found at WorkWell – The Bay Anchor Network.

You can self-refer by completing the referral form either by clicking the link below or scanning the QR code.

Alternatively, please click on the link: Online Barrow Referral Form

Referrals will be also be accepted from Employers, Employability Services, GPs and other Healthcare Services, Barrow Integrated Care Community (ICC) and Voluntary Sector Organisations/Partners by emailing

How much does accessing the WorkWell service cost?

WorkWell is a grant funded service. As such access is fully funded during the pilot period through the NHS in Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB (Integrated Care Board), working in partnership with Westmorland and Furness Council and the DWP.

How can I find out more?

If your organisation may be interested in referring participants into the WorkWell service, please send your details to and we will send you more information. Alternatively, you can call us on 01228 474014.